
Information for foreign candidates

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Mar , 18/06/2024 - 11:56


The University of Zaragoza publishes calls for recruitment of research staff through its website
On the official board

And on the page of the Research Personnel Management Unit
What requirements do I have to meet to apply for a call? 
Have the minimum required qualification indicated, in accordance with the specific requirements set out in the call. 
In the case of qualifications obtained abroad, it must be proven that you are in possession of the corresponding validation or the credential that accredits, where appropriate, the homologation to the corresponding Spanish official title or equivalence to qualification, or recognition for professional purposes. In the event that the qualification is not approved or recognized at the end of the deadline for submission of applications, this requirement may be replaced, provided that the qualification is presumed by the convening body as equivalent to that required in the call, by that of accrediting having begun the process for approval, equivalence to qualification or recognition, terminating the contract if the competent authority resolves its refusal, understanding that there is denial when it is conditional on compliance with certain requirements, as long as they are not met, or in the case of withdrawal of the interested party or expiration of the procedure. A resolutory condition in this regard will be expressly included among the clauses of the contract.  
In addition, the other general requirements for access to public employment, regulated in Articles 56 and 57 of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of October 30, approving the consolidated text of the Law on the Basic Statute of Public Employees and, in addition, in relation to nationality, must be met:

a) Have Spanish nationality or that of a Member State of the European Union or national of those States to which, under international treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers applies in the terms in which it is defined in the Treaty establishing the European Community. 
b) The spouse of Spaniards and nationals of other Member States of the European Union may also participate, provided that they are not legally separated, and their descendants and those of their spouse provided that they are not legally separated, are under twenty-one years of age or over that age dependent on them, which must be proven. 
The benefit of subparagraph (b) shall also apply to family members of nationals of other States where this is provided for in the International Treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain. 
d) Foreign nationals of countries not included in the previous letters, even if they do not reside in Spain, provided that they possess the required qualification. In these cases, the hiring will be conditioned on obtaining the permits required in the regulations on foreigners.

What do I need to sign the contract if I am selected? 
a) National Identity Document or Passport and, where appropriate, residence permit. 
b) A recent photograph, card size. 
c) Original and photocopy of the academic titles or of the homologation credential or of the certificate of equivalence or recognition, or certified photocopies in the absence of the presentation of the original documents, where appropriate. In the case of foreign university degrees not yet approved or without recognition of their equivalence, they must present a document accrediting that they have begun the process for homologation, equivalence or recognition. 
d) Document of affiliation to the Social Security, where appropriate. 
e) Details of the bank account for the deposit of assets. 
The aforementioned documentation, with the exception of the National Identity Document or the Passport and the photograph, will not be necessary to provide it if it is already in the possession of the Research Personnel Management Unit of the University. 
How can I know what the clauses of the contract say? 
The university formalizes 2 types of contract: 
- Undefined 
- Temporary

In addition, these modalities can be: 
- Full-time
- Part-time
The categories of contracts are: 
N1 Senior Collaborating Doctor
N2 Junior Collaborator Doctor
N3.1 Initiated researcher with experience
N3 Initiated researcher
N 4 Novice researcher
You can see the general clauses of the contracts in the documents that appear here, keep in mind that the particular conditions (center, category, duration ...) will depend on the call. 
You can see the models in the side column
How do I know how much I'm going to charge? 
In the following link you can see the approximate remunerations, since the final remuneration depends on your personal situation
You can get more information and help about the process to obtain permissions on the EURAXESS page